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21 Flowers That Start With Letter A

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There are so many gorgeous flowers grown worldwide that it can be challenging to figure out where to begin.

In this article, you’ll discover at least 21 flowers that start with the letter A to help you start at the very beginning.

Keep reading to find out!

Angel trumpet flower

1. Angel’s Trumpet

The angel’s trumpet is an elegant plant standing 6 to 30 inches tall. It is an intensely fragrant flower that showcases large, downward-hanging, trumpet-shaped flowers.

The colors of this flower range from white to pink to yellow to peach.

Angel’s trumpet blooms from Summer through to fall and is best grown in hardy zones 9 to 11.

cute white anemone flowers

2. Anemone

The anemone, also known as the windflower, is a delicate 6 to 12 inches tall plant that displays cup-shaped flowers with vibrant colors — white, red, pink, purple, and blue.

It’s an early spring bloomer that lasts through fall and is best grown in zones 4 to 8, although some varieties can survive in zones 7 to 10.

African Violet

3. African Violet

African violets are a unique variety that stands out with their lush and velvety flowers organized like a rosette. They are available in shades of pink, purple, white, and blue.

The African violet blooms almost all year, with its optimal blooming season being spring and fall. It’s best grown in hardy zones 10 –12.

beautiful pink azalea flowers blooming in a garden

4. Azalea

The azalea is an evergreen, 2-to-3-inch flowering plant that exhibits funnel-shaped orange/pink/peach/purple/white/red/yellow flowers. It has a mild, sweet scent, although some varieties have no fragrance.

Depending on the variety, azaleas can be early, mid-season, or late bloomers.

The early ones bloom in late winter to early spring, the mid-seasoners bloom in late spring to early summer, and the late bloomers in midsummer to fall.

Azaleas grow best in zones 4 to 11.

armeria maritima flowers

5. Armeria

Armerias, commonly called sea thrifts, feature small button-like flowers in spherical clusters on 61-to-2-inch stems.

Armenia can be white, lavender, red, or pink colored, and they bloom in late spring to early summer.

They are best suited to zones 3 – 9.

Purple flowers of Aconitum napellus

6. Aconitum

The aconitum flower, popular as wolfsbane, is a tall spiky flower adorned with helmet-shaped flowers in white, yellow, purple, and blue shades.

The aconitum is a late summer bloomer and stays around until fall. It grows best in zones 3 – 7.

Bee collecting nectar from a white Abelia flower

7. Abelia

The abelia plant is a petite shrub that features glossy green, bronze, purple, or red-colored leaves and trumpet-shaped pink/white/purple flowers with an orange center.

The flowers typically appear in clusters at the tips of the branches.

Abelia flowers bloom in spring and extend until fall. They are best suited to growing in zones 6 to 10 and often thrive in a range of climates and soil conditions. 

purple aster flowers

8. Aster

Asters are late summer bloomers that stay around till fall. They brighten the garden at the time when most flower blooms fade with splashes of pink, blue, white, and purple.

They are can be anywhere from 6 inches to 4 feet tall and grow well in zones 3–8.

Close up of amaryllis flower

9. Amaryllis

The amaryllis is an 18-to-24-inch plant that flaunts showy, trumpet-shaped, pink, red, white, burgundy, and even bi-colored flowers.

Amaryllis flowers bloom in late summer to early fall and are best grown in zones 7 to 11.

Purple Agapanthus flower

10. Agapanthus (African Lily)

The agapanthus flower is a striking flowering plant that produces vibrant-colored flowers.

The agapanthus flowers appear as globe-shaped clusters, known as umbels, of trumpet-shaped flowers on tall stems. They are often in shades of blue, purple, and white.

These lovely flowers stand between 1 to 4 feet and grow in zones 8 to 11. 

white calla arum-lily

11. Arum Lily

Arum lily, also called the Calla lily, is an elegant 1 to 3 foot tall plant with large, arrow-shaped leaves and flared funnel-shaped flowers. This flower has yellow, pink, orange, purple, and red varieties. 

Arum lilies bloom from spring to summer in zones 7 to 10. They prefer moist, well-drained soil that has a high organic matter content.

red Anthurium plant

12. Anthurium

The anthurium is an evergreen flower that blooms all year.

The anthurium flower has distinctive heart-shaped flowers with a spadix protruding from the center. It can be red, pink, orange, or pristine white, each with its unique brilliance.

Anthuriums grow well in soil that is rich in organic matter and are best grown in zones 10 to 12. 

flowers of the forest canopy (Anthriscus sylvéstris)

13. Anthriscus

The anthriscus flower, also called the wild chervil or parsley, is a delicate, elegant plant that’s commonly found in meadows.

The anthriscus flowers are usually cream-colored or white and arranged in a rounded cluster on top of slender 3 feet tall stems.

They thrive in fertile, well-drained soil and are best suited to zones 7 to 10.

A closeup shot of African daisy flowers in the garden

14. African Daisies

African daisies have a similar appearance to the common daisy but have much bolder/more vivid colors.

Their petals encircle a multi-colored center disk, and they sprout bright colors like pink, yellow, orange, white, and purple.

African daisies bloom twice yearly – usually in late spring, which lasts till early summer, and in late summer till early fall. They are best planted in zones 9 – 11. 

the flowers of Alchemilla mollis

15. Alchemilla

Alchemilla, popularly called lady’s mantle, is a clumping plant with large circular, scallop-edged leaves. 

Alchemilla flowers are a unique chartreuse-yellow shade and appear in bunches/clusters atop the stems.

Alchemilla is native to Europe and grows well in the full sun and on well-drained soil. It’s best for zones 3 to 8.

Violet and purple Sweet alyssum flowers

16. Alyssum

Alyssum is a precious, tiny, cross-shaped (four-petaled) flower native to Europe that beautifully makes a colorful carpet of little flowers you can use to blanket your garden or landscape.

It is a low-growing plant that multiplies and is effortless to grow from plant or seed.

Alyssum is a cool-season flower that sets out in early spring and grows throughout fall and winter. It is best for zones 5 to 9.

Angelonia flower

17. Angelonia

Angelonia, also called the summer snapdragon, appears as a cluster of small, orchid-like flowers that can be mauve, white, violet, pink, or purple.

The charm of angelonia in a garden is intense but fleeting because they are cool-weathered flowers that quickly fade during summer.

Angelonia is best grown in USDA zones 9 to 11.

White magnolia

18. Anise Magnolia

Anise magnolia is a breathtaking, six-petaled white flower that has a slightly pink tinge at its base. The anise magnolia flower is simple yet beautiful and has an intoxicating anise-lemon fragrance.

Anise magnolias are short bloomers, and they bloom from early to midsummer. They thrive in zones 5 to 8.

Astilbe flowers. Blooming summer flowers in garden

19. Astilbes

Astilbe flowers are plume-like flowers that can either be pink, red, purple, lavender, violet or white. They have deep green leaves that provide a beautiful contrast to their brightly colored flowers.

Being tall plants (1 to 3 feet), astilbes shade the garden and can be great to plant around shade-loving plants.

They are relatively slow-growing and bloom during spring and summer. They are best suited to growing in zones 4 to 9 but sometimes do well in zone 3.

Aubrieta purple blooms in the garden in summer

20. Aubrieta

The aubrieta plant, native to Europe, is a cheerful ground-covering plant. It is often grown around rocks or stony terrains, and the flowers sprout in pink, purple, and white colors.

Aubrieta thrives when planted in well-draining, alkaline soil in the sun’s full glare. They are best for zones 4 to 9.

Blooming amaranth flowers

21. Amaranth

The amaranth is a large, broad-leafed plant with prominent veining that beautifies the garden with delightful colors such as red, pink, salmon, and burgundy.

Amaranths can grow up to 8 feet tall, depending on the variety, and are very hardy. They bloom from late summer into the heart of winter and thrive in growing zones 2 to 11.

15 Other Flowers That Start With A

If you’re still looking for more A-themed flowers, below are some additional flowers that begin with the letter A.

  • Allamanda
  • Astrantia
  • Adriatic Bellflower
  • Annual Phlox
  • Avens
  • Alstroemeria
  • Antirrhinum
  • Abutilon
  • Acacia
  • Anthericom
  • Avance
  • Anastasia
  • Agathelpis
  • Argostemma
  • Aptosimum


If you’re just starting out as a gardener or an oldie looking to diversify, it’s a great idea to start within the order of the alphabet.

This article provides an insightful glimpse into the world of flowers that starts with the letter A, offering a diverse array of floral species.

So, whether you are a gardening enthusiast, a flower lover, or simply seeking inspiration for your subsequent floral arrangement, I’m sure this list has offered a delightful starting point.

However, consulting professionals for more detailed flower information is always smart.


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