11 Beautiful Winter Blooming Flowers

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There are several species of beautiful flowers that bloom prolifically during the cold months. Here's eleven most beautiful winter-blooming flowers that you can plant around your house.

Black Tulip

Black tulips can be distinguished by their dark maroon or deep purplish flowers, green leaves, and slender green stems. If you’re planning to plant these bulbs, handle them with care and caution.


Crocus is a great late winter flower that you can add to your garden collection. These flowers are also toxic and should always be kept away from pets and children.


Ipheions are also known as Spring Starflowers and Mexican Stars. These plants prefer moist, well-drained soil and can tolerate partial or full sun.

Winter Aconite

They are also known as the Winter Wolf’s Bane, Winter Hellebore, and Aconitum hyemale. Being low-growing bulbous plants, they can be grown within groundcovers or your lawn or raised in garden beds.