Ways To Tell If a Watermelon Is Bad


// Watermelon is a refreshing summer treat with a light sweet taste. You can make some fruit salads with it, accompany it with meals, eat when thirsty, and whenever you wish to.

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// Shopping for Watermelons seems like a gamble for many people. You don’t want to end up with a tasteless, unripe melon on your hands. There are many ways to tell if your watermelon has gone bad.

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/ Smell and Taste

/ Tap the sides

/ Check for molds

/ Watermelon patch

/ Rind color

/ The shape

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What to Look Out for When Choosing Watermelons

// Make sure that your watermelon is in a cool, dry place. When storing your Watermelon, cut it in half and then put each half into separate plastic bags and store them in the bottom of your refrigerator.

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Storing Your Watermelon

// When preparing your Melon for consumption, make sure to wash it under cool running water and soap before cutting into it because there could be bacteria growing on the surface of the Melon that you do not want to ingest.

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