Fig trees have been popular for thousands of years, and as a consequence, they can be found in most parts of the world.
Figs contain fiber, calcium, minerals, vitamins, and different antioxidants. You can eat them dehydrated or fresh to get their benefits or just to enjoy their flavor.
Known for its unique and hardy appeal, the Celeste fig tree can withstand low temperatures of 15 degrees or less. Celeste figs are rich in sugar, making them one of the sweetest known figs.
Its figs are resistant to insect attacks and are not prone to rotting since they do not have an opening that allows water to penetrate. The common fig is, therefore, the longest-lasting variety of fig.
Brown Turkey fig trees have a moderate growth rate that reaches 10 to 20 feet wide and tall. They are highly praised for their foliage and fruit, but not their blooms.