11 Best Pumpkins for Soups

While many types of edible pumpkins can be used in cooking a variety of food, you will find that some are better than others for certain meals.

Let's check the 11 best pumpkins for soup!

New England Sugar Pie Pumpkins

New England Sugar Pie pumpkins are a miniature pumpkin variety with origins tied to the New England region. As their name hints, New England Sugar Pie pumpkins are mainly used for making pies. But they excel when used in preparing soups too.

Moranga Pumpkins

Moranga pumpkins have a lighter peach color you do not see in most pumpkins. But beyond that, they have sweet, tasty, and tender flesh, making them perfect for making soups. It is no surprise they are famously used in preparing the Camarao na Moranga.

‘Cinderella’ Pumpkins (Rouge Vif D’Etampe)

‘Cinderella’ pumpkins are moist and creamy when cooked. So, it is no surprise that they are a perfect choice for making pumpkin soups. Besides making soups, you can steam, roast, and bake ‘Cinderella’ pumpkins. Their creamy texture and sweet flavor make them ideal for cakes, pies, cookies, bread, and muffins.

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