How Long to Water Plants with Hose?

Getting the amount of water right for your plants will help you have a yard full of vibrant greenery all season. Here are some tips and things you need to know to give your plants the perfect amount of water.

Watering with a Hose

Getting the amount of water right for your plants will help you have a yard full of vibrant greenery all season. Here are some tips and things you need to know to give your plants the perfect amount of water.

Making Sure the Soil Stays Moist

Most plants will do best if you and whoever else waters them keep the soil relatively moist. It’s perfectly normal for the topsoil to become dry, especially if it’s under direct sunlight for most of the day.

Using a Hose to Water Plants as They Grow

New plants need more water. You can adjust how much you water them with a hose based on how much rain you get during those first few weeks.

What Time Should You Water Plants?

Both young and mature plants will do best when you water them in the morning. When the temperature is cooler, and before the sun comes out, your plants have more time to soak up all the water you give them.