Fun Colors Pumpkins Can Be


Pumpkins are a basic part of any fall decor. One thing that makes people excited about the fall season is buying pumpkins and using them in fun ways.

These surprising colors could take your decorations to another level! Here we have mentioned some fun colors pumpkins can be.

Green Pumpkins

' Triamble', 'Speckled Hound', 'Marina di Chioggia', 'Green Hubbard,' and 'Bonbon' are some of the varieties of green pumpkins.

Red Pumpkins

'Cinderella', 'Lakota', and 'Autumn Gold' are some of their popular varieties. Red pumpkin is edible with great taste. You could eat it in many forms, for instance, soup, pie, and sauce, etc

Yellow Pumpkins

This long-lost variety of fruit has started appearing at many seed vendors. The yellow pumpkins come in a wide variety of different shades of yellow colors.