Hoses are simply flexible and tubular structures used to convey or transport water to gardens. They are mainly made of rubber, vinyl or both. Rubber-made hoses are the best.
A hose buried underground will typically last anywhere from one year to many years. The quality of hose, soil type, and dept the hose is buried will all play a factor in the longevity of the hose.
Good quality hoses are long-lasting hoses. Thick-walled hoses are more expensive than those with thin walls.The tradeoff is that they last longer, whether above or below ground.
The Quality and Thickness of the Hose
Rodents like mice, rats, and moles are water lovers and could easily burrow into the soil to access your hoses.
Underground Critters That Might Chew Through It
One sure-fire sign that your hose needs to be replaced is if water has just stopped coming out of the other end. Typically this is caused by damage or clogging in the hose line.
Water Is Not Coming Out Anymore
Signs That Your Underground Hose Needs to Be Replaced