7 Easiest Beans to Grow at Home

Beans are one of the perfect starter plants for aspiring gardeners. Beans are easy to grow and produce results quickly.

Here are great options for growing beans at home this gardening season. Give them a try and see how it goes!

Pinto Beans

Pinto beans are one of the easiest beans to grow at home. You’ll do best by planting pinto beans in the summer when they can get the most sunlight possible every day. You only need to water them every once in a while.

Vanilla Beans

Many people are surprised to learn that vanilla beans grow naturally in Mexico. Vanilla beans do best in humid weather and soil with a lot of water.

Navy Beans

Navy beans are also very easy to grow at home. The main issue with growing navy beans is that they need a lot more water than many of the other types of beans.

Growing beans is a lot of fun! Get some seeds and give it a shot. In just a matter of days or weeks, you’ll see sprouts that will keep you eager to tend your garden