When it comes to elegance and uniqueness, heirloom pumpkins trump traditional orange pumpkins. Heirloom pumpkins are also typically of a larger size than Winter Squash.
Most heirloom pumpkins offer various culinary benefits. But there are a few you may not want to cook with.
Below, we compiled a list of 17 types of heirloom pumpkins. We go over their uses, size, appearance, and much more.
Table of Contents
1. Blue Doll Pumpkin

With each squash weighing around 15 to 20 pounds on average, Blue Doll pumpkins are classified as medium-large.
Blue Doll pumpkins are a hybrid variety. They have prominent blocky ribbings, and as the name says, they are colored blue or blue-grey while their flesh is orange.
Blue Doll pumpkins are bred to look like classic heirloom pumpkins. Their flavor is also similar to those of old-fashioned heirloom pumpkins.
If you want an heirloom pumpkin you will enjoy cooking with, try out Blue Doll pumpkins. They are impressive when used in soups, pies, and canning.
2. Cinderella Pumpkin (Rouge Vif D’Etampes)

Cinderella pumpkins also go by the name Rouge Vif d’Etampes – going by this name, you can tell this variety is from France.
The Rouge Vif d’Etampes inspired the design for the Cinderella carriage. This is why it is also called the Cinderella pumpkin.
Squashes of this heirloom pumpkin type typically weigh around 20 to 30 pounds, so they fall into the large class of pumpkins.
Cinderella pumpkins are colored red-orange. It has a flattened shape and is moderately ribbed. While Cinderella pumpkins are perfect for ornamental purposes, they may also be used in cooking.
In fact, their use in the preparation of French pumpkin soup contributed to its popularity in France. Beyond being useful for stews and soups, Rouge Vif D’Etampes pumpkins may also be roasted whole.
3. Connecticut Field Pumpkin
Connecticut Field pumpkins typically weigh no less than 20 pounds, and this makes them large-sized pumpkins.
Connecticut Field pumpkins originated from the New England region in the USA. So, the name Connecticut Field pretty much explains itself.
Connecticut Field pumpkins are ribbed, colored orange, and they are longer than they are wide. You may use Connecticut Field pumpkins in making pies, and also in carving jack-o-lanterns.
4. Cotton Candy Pumpkin
One would expect Cotton Candy pumpkins to be syrupy sweet because of their name. But on the contrary, they taste a bit like traditional pie pumpkins, albeit milder.
Unlike traditional pie pumpkins, Cotton Candy pumpkins are white and ribbed. On average, they weigh around 5 to 12 pounds. So, you could say they are small-medium.
Cotton Candy pumpkins are primarily used for cooking, especially for making soups.
5. Dickinson Pumpkin
Dickinson pumpkins are an American breed with origins tied to Illinois and Kentucky. They are pale orange with broad ribs, and on average, they weigh 10 to 14 pounds (medium-large).
Like the Connecticut Field pumpkins, Dickinson pumpkins have an elongated shape. In other words, they are longer than they are wide.
Dickinson pumpkins have been around for many centuries. They are great for making pies, and are still highly sought after by pie makers.
6. Fairytale Pumpkin (Musqee de Provence)
Fairytale pumpkins also go by the name Musqee de Provence. They are a French heirloom pumpkin variety with deep ribbing and deep orange rind.
On average, Musqee de Provence pumpkins weigh around 15 to 20 pounds when mature (medium-large). Since they are pretty large-sized, they are usually sold as pre-cut wedges in southern France markets (its origin).
Musqee de Provence pumpkins are excellent for cooking. But beyond that, they are pretty pleasing to the eyes.
7. Flat White Boer Pumpkin

Weighing an average of 10 to 15 pounds, Flat White Boer pumpkins are a medium-large variety of heirloom pumpkins.
Originating from South Africa, Flat White Boer pumpkins are creamy-white and minimally ribbed. They can be used for decoration and cooking.
8. Futsu Black Pumpkin
Futsu Black pumpkins are a Japanese heirloom pumpkin variety. They are small-sized – typically weighing around 3 pounds – and are deeply ribbed.
In their early days, Futsu Black pumpkins are typically dark green and round. But as they mature, they turn brown or orange with wrinkled, deep ribs.
Futsu Black pumpkins have a long shelf life. They are primarily for culinary purposes, and their sweet, nutty flesh justifies this application.
9. Iran Pumpkin
As the name says, Iran pumpkins originated from northeastern Iran. This heirloom pumpkin type has a coloration progression; at the start, the rind of Iran pumpkins is covered in various bright colors. But as the squash matures further, the bright colors start muting to orange and yellow hues.
Iran pumpkins have a long shelf life. They weigh 10 to 12 pounds on average, and they are flattened at the bases and round.
The flesh of Iran pumpkins is pretty fibrous and wet. But it is full of flavors, and it is sweet. So, it is a top choice for making purees.
10. Jarrahdale Heirloom Pumpkin

Jarrahdale Heirloom pumpkins weigh 12 to 18 pounds on average. They are a medium-large heirloom pumpkin type from Australia with blue-grey-green rinds.
Jarrahdale Heirloom pumpkins have deep ribs. Their bases are flattened in a way similar to those of Cinderella Pumpkins. It is even thought that Jarrahdale Heirloom Pumpkins might be a cross of Cinderella Pumpkins and another pumpkin.
Jarrahdale Heirloom pumpkins are multipurpose; you can cook with them or use them for decorations. Thankfully, they have a long shelf life.
11. Kabocha Heirloom Pumpkin
Kabocha Heirloom pumpkins have Japanese origins. This heirloom pumpkin variety is small-sized with an average weight range of 3 to 5 pounds.
Kabocha Heirloom pumpkins have tough, dark green rinds. They have little or no ribbing, and their flesh is colored orange.
Kabocha Heirloom pumpkins are pretty sweet, so it is no surprise that they are used in cooking. They are used for making pies, bread, curries, tempura, and various other fall pumpkin recipes.
12. Long Island Cheese Pumpkin
Long Island Cheese pumpkins have ties to Long Island, NY. They get their name from their place of origin and their giant cheese-wheel-like shape.
The average Long Island Cheese pumpkin is medium-sized, weighing around 6 to 10 pounds per squash. Long Island Cheese pumpkins are pastel orange and well ribbed. Their flesh is flavorful and sweet, and as expected, they are used in making pies.
Long Island Cheese pumpkins have a long shelf life. So, you may also use them for decoration for a couple of weeks.
13. Marina Di Chioggia Pumpkin

Marina Di Chioggia pumpkins are from Chiogga, Italy. They are medium-sized, with each fruit weighing around 10 to 12 pounds on average.
Chioggia pumpkins are typically green, grey, or blue. They have a unique wrinkly, warty form that makes their rinds look bubbly.
Marina Di Chioggia pumpkins have orange or deep yellow flesh. They are sweet, and accordingly, they are used in making pies. Marina Di Chioggia pumpkins may also be served roasted. You may also use it as a vessel to serve pumpkin soup.
14. Moranga Pumpkin
Moranga pumpkins are small-medium-sized, with an average weight of 4 to 8 pounds. They are peach-colored and deeply ribbed, and as they mature, they may show some light stripes.
Moranga pumpkins can be used for ornamentation and cooking. They are perfect for making pumpkin soups and stews, all thanks to their tender and tasty flesh.
15. One Too Many Pumpkin
Besides having a unique name, One Too Many pumpkins have a distinct form. Their form makes them prized as ornamentals.
One Too Many pumpkins come with a rind covered in yellow, white, red, and orange veins like a bloodshot eye.
One Too Many pumpkins can be flattened-oblong or round, and their colors may be intense or muted. While their rind is tough, One Too Many pumpkins have dense, tender, and tasty flesh. So, beyond decorations and carvings, you can use them in making pies.
16. Peanut Pumpkin (Galeux d’Eysines)

Like the Cinderella pumpkins and Fairytale pumpkins, Peanut pumpkins have French origins. They also go by the name Galeux d’Eysines pumpkin.
Peanut pumpkins come with peach-colored rinds covered in bumps that look like peanuts. Hence, the name Peanut pumpkins.
Peanut pumpkins weigh 10-15 pounds on average, so they are classified as medium-large. Their rind might be bumpy, but their flesh is bright, smooth, full of flavor, and tasty. Of course, they are used for cooking; you may use them for pies and soups.
17. Porcelain Doll Pumpkin
Porcelain Doll pumpkins look a lot like classic heirloom pumpkins. Their rinds are colored pale pink and deeply ribbed, and they weigh 18 to 22 pounds on average. Porcelain Doll pumpkins fall into the large class of pumpkins thanks to their dense flesh.
Porcelain Doll pumpkins are dual-purpose: they can be used for decorating and for cooking.
A part of the profits generated on Porcelain Doll pumpkins goes into breast cancer research. So, if you produce or buy Porcelain Doll pumpkins, you are contributing to studies on breast cancer in a way.
- https://www.homefortheharvest.com/heirloom-pumpkins/
- https://www.organicauthority.com/eco-chic-table/9-heirloom-pumpkin-varieties-we-love-for-fall
- https://wolffsapplehouse.com/heirloom-pumpkins/
- https://www.homefortheharvest.com/blue-doll-pumpkin/
- https://www.seedway.com/product/cotton-candy-pumpkin-farmore/
- https://hosstools.com/product/white-flat-boer-ford-pumpkin
- https://www.westcoastseeds.com/products/futtsu-black-early
- https://www.rareseeds.com/store/vegetables/winter-squash/iran-squash
- https://tallcloverfarm.com/10697/iran-pumpkin-oldest-squash-farm
- https://www.caribbeangardenseed.com/products/copy-of-pumpkin-seeds-cucurbita-moschata-calabaza-aka-jamaican-pumpkin-winter-squash
- https://www.homefortheharvest.com/jarrahdale-pumpkin/
- https://www.westcoastseeds.com/products/first-taste-kabocha
- https://www.westcoastseeds.com/collections/pumpkin-seeds/products/moranga
- https://www.harrisseeds.com/products/11978-pumpkin-one-too-many-variant
- https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/pumpkin/pumpkins-for-cooking.htm
- https://www.westcoastseeds.com/products/galeux-deysines
- https://www.homefortheharvest.com/porcelain-doll-pumpkin/